This UCSP class module discusses the family being the primary influence on an individual's identity and how this shapes one's values and beliefs as they integrate into society. The structure of a family has developed over time, and this module tackles sociological concepts on the dynamics of the family as a social group and the growth of a person's socio-cultural and political character.
This module also explains how the Philippine Constitution values the Filipino family as the nation's foundation and how the family strengthens the nation's solidarity and actively promotes its total development.
● Expound on the family as an important agent of socialization;
● Define the family while taking into consideration the different perspectives on the subject-matter;
● Explain the framework of Filipino families in relation to state laws, societal norms, and challenges of
the nation; and
● Differentiate the realities of different kinds of families.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 11, Grade 12
Learning Area
Becoming a member of society
Intended Users
Explain the development of one’s self and others as a product of socialization and enculturation
Identify the context, content, processes, and consequences of enculturation and socialization