This UCSP class module looks at how culture and society are connected in how they define identity. Culture is a significant element of society as it represents elements shared by people (language, religion, traditions, customs, etc.).
● Define culture and society;
● Identify and differentiate the different components of culture;
● Describe the characteristics of culture;
● Differentiate ethnocentrism, multiculturalism, and cultural relativism;
● Explain the different levels of development of Lenski’s sociocultural evolution; and
● Explain the different approaches in the study of society.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 11, Grade 12
Learning Area
Defining Culture and Society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology
Intended Users
Become aware of why and how cultural relativism mitigates ethnocentrism
Copyright Information
Philippine Business for Education, Inc. Authors: Jochelle Magboo, Patrick Serra