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Give the
name and
sound of
each letter
upper and
lower case
Give the
of the name
of each
letters to
and words.
Use appropriate expressions orally to introduce : a. oneself b. family c. friends d. others
Identify naming words (persons, places, things, animals) a. common and proper b. noun markers
Use naming words in sentences a. common and proper b. noun markers
Classify naming words into persons, places, animals, and things, etc.
Identify pronouns: a. personal b. possessive
Use the correct pronouns in place of naming words in sentences a. personal b. possessive
Identify pronouns with contractions .* (siya’y, tayo’y . . .)
Identify the tense of the action word in the sentence
Use the correct tense and time signal of an action word in a sentence
Identify action words in oral and written exercises
Use action words to give simple two to three-step directions.
Identify describing words that refer to color, size, shape, texture, temperature and feelings in sentences.
Use describing words in sentences.
Give the synonyms and antonyms of describing words.