This module for Grades 9–12 focuses on enhancing learners' Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECS) in Agri Crop Production NC II. Students will assess their PECS, compare them with those of successful practitioners, and align their competencies to improve entrepreneurial performance. Through analysis, planning, and practical activities, learners develop characteristics such as persistence, goal setting, risk-taking, and networking to excel in agricultural entrepreneurship. The module promotes self-awareness, growth, and the alignment of skills with real-world entrepreneurial standards.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 9, Grade 10
Learning Area
Technology and Livelihood Education
AgriFishery Arts Agricultural Crop Production
AgriFishery Arts Horticulture
Intended Users
Educators, Learners
Develop and strengthen personal competencies and skills pecs needed in agricultural crop production
Know the nature of an entrepreneurial activity in relation to personal entrepreneurial competencies and skills pecs needed in horticulture