EASE Module 2 Being a Nationalistic Learner

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Published on 2014 November 10th

This module focuses on helping learners develop the value of true nationalism. Likewise, it is composed of activities that target various skills in reading comprehension.
1. to arrive at the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues

2. to note details and make inferences

3. to get the main idea and the theme of a selection

4. to identify and interpret figurative language

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 5, Grade 6
Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Development
Infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using
-context clues Infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using-affixes Infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using-roots Infer meaning of figurative language using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(science) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(health) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(literary terms) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(math) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(ict terms) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(epp) Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus - Clarify meaning of words using online resources Infer meaning of borrowed words using prefix Infer meaning of borrowed words using suffix Infer meaning of content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(math) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(science) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(health) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(literary terms) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(ict terms) Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(epp) Analyze sound devices (onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, consonance) Analyze figures of speech (culture-based euphemism) Respond appropriately to the messages of the different authentic texts Use appropriate graphic organizers in texts read Respond appropriately to the messages of the different authentic texts Note significant details of informational texts Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features
-enumeration Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features
-time-order (sequence, recounts, process) Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features
-comparison and contrast Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features
-problem and solution Determine tone, mood, and purpose of the author Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements:
-characters (heroes and villains) Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements:
-plot (chronological-sequential, in medias res, flashback) Note significant details of informational texts Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words ( affixed) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words ( blended) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words ( clipped) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus, and/or online resources Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus, and/or online resources Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (science) Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (mathematics) Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (health) Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound, affixed) based on Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound, affixed) based on given context clues (synonyms antonyms word parts) and Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound, affixed) based on given context clues (synonyms antonyms word parts) and other strategies (health) Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound, affixed) based on given context clues (synonyms antonyms word parts) and other strategies (science) Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound, affixed) based on given context clues (synonyms antonyms word parts) and other strategies (mathematics) Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (science) Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (health) Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (tle) Identify different meanings of unfamiliar words (denotation and connotation) (mathematics) Infer the theme of literary text Infer the theme of literary text Summarize narrative texts based on elements -theme -setting -characters (heroes and villains) -plot (beginning, middle and ending) Analyze a 2-stanza poem in terms of its elements (rhymes, sound devices, imagery and figurative language) Analyze a 2-stanza poem in terms of its elements (rhymes, sound devices, imagery and figurative language) Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification hyperbole) in a given text Provide accurate instructions Give precise information on a given topic Ask questions to check understanding of information presented Identify main idea, key sentences and supporting details of a given paragraph Identify main idea, key sentences and supporting details of a given paragraph Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to classify or describe Identify main idea, key sentences and supporting details of a given paragraph Identify main idea, key sentences and supporting details of a given paragraph Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to classify or describe Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to recall a series of events/ information Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to explain Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to classify or describe Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to recall a series of events/ information Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to explain Make generalizati ons Make generalizati ons Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to persuade Make an outline from a selection read Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to persuade Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -problem and solution Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -cause and effect Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -problem and solution Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -cause and effect Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -enumeration Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -time-order (sequence, recounts, process) Use appropriate graphic organizers in texts read Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -enumeration Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) -time-order (sequence, recounts, process) En5rc-ive2.15.2 Respond appropriatel y to messages of different authentic texts En5rc-ivg2.12 Make generalizati on

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