Self-Learning Module - Quarter 3 – Physical Education : Grade 7, Modules 1 to 4

Learning Material, Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 August 2nd

Contents: 1. Physical Education 7- Quarter 3- Module 1: Self-Assessment on Physical Fitness. 2. Physical Education 7- Quarter 3- Module 2: Philippine Folk Dance (Tinikling). 3. Physical Education 7- Quarter 3- Module 3: Tinikling (Figures 1-6). 4. Physical Education 7- Quarter 3- Module 4: Tinikling (Performance).
1. Undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessment (PE7PF IIIah-23)
2. Review goals based on assessment result (PE7PF-IIIa34)
3. describe nature and background of Tinikling
4. identify the basic steps of the dance Tinikling.
5. Identify the importance of dancing tinikling in developing one’s health and skill-related fitness
6. execute the basic steps of the dance Tinikling.
7. derive the relevance of Filipino Culture in the dance Tinikling

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7
Physical Education
Folk Indigenous Ethnic Traditional and Festival Dance
Educators, Learners
Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments Addresses barriers low level of fitness lack of skill and time to exercise Describes the nature and background of the dance Executes the skills involved in the dance Assumes responsibility for achieving personal fitness

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