BEAM Sequencing Events

Lesson Exemplar

Published on 2014 September 8th

This Lesson Exemplar contains varied activities which focuses on sequencing events with prepositions and spellings. It also contains specific instructions for the teachers on how to carry out the activities.
1. to act out best-liked parts of a story heard

2. to use preposition and prepositional phrase

3. to sequence events

4. to write the correct spelling of words learned in auditory discrimination

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 2, Grade 3
grammar listening comprehension Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Grammar Spelling
Give the sequence of three events in stories read En2givg-i-7.3 Spell one- to- two syllable words with consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr) Spell words that were introduced during word recognition Spell some irregularly - spelled words (e.g. have, said, please, because) Sequence a series of events in a literary selection Show understanding of a story by presenting them in through dramatization, role playing etc.

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Department of Education
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