Test your understanding of how to use the formula for calculating the area of triangles. Find the area of nine different triangles on a grid. First, predict the area of a chosen triangle on a grid. Find the base and height measurements of the triangle using an animation. Then, substitute the base and height measurements into the formula for calculating the area. Practise applying the formula directly to a range of triangles. Compare the actual area of the triangle with your original estimate and check your answers by viewing your results on a printable report.
Students predict the area of triangles.
Students identify the base and height of triangles.
Students substitute base and height measurements into the formula for calculating the area of a triangle.
Students calculate the area of triangles using the area formula.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 6
Learning Area
Intended Users
Educators, Learners
Copyright Information
Copyright Owner
Education Services Australia
Conditions of Use
Reproduce, Use, Copy, Print
Technical Information
File Size
226.82 KB
File Type
Software/Plug-in Requirements
Adobe Flash Player - http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/