Sibika.ph_Module 2: Elections and Political Parties

Modules  |  PDF

Published on 2025 March 21st

Module 2 of the Philippine Politics and Governance introduces the learners to the nature of elections in the Philippines by emphasizing the right of suffrage and the conditions for a citizen to exercise this right. The learners are also provided with an overview of the election process and the party system in which aspiring candidates use a vehicle to run for public office and win an elected position. The activities in this module aim to motivate the learners to actively participate in elections and be mindful and critical of their choice for elected positions.
Lesson 1
At the end of the lesson, the student is expected to be
able to:
● highlight the idea that public office is a public
● explain why elections are an essential cornerstone
of good governance; and
● discuss an overview of the election process, voting
system, legal procedures and statutory
requirements in the Philippines.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 11, Grade 12
How society is organized
Educators, Learners
Analyze social and political structures Analyze economic organization and its impacts on the lives of people in the society

Copyright Information

Philippine Business for Education, Inc. and Department of Education - Central Office
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