Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers (PPST) Resource Package: Module 24

Session Guides/Modules  |  PDF

Published on 2022 September 2nd

A guidebook for teachers on how to develop a personal professional improvement plan based on reflection of one’s practice and ongoing professional learning.
1. Identify your level of capability and priority for development based on the objectives of Self-Assessment Tool (SAT-RPMS).
2. Develop a plan that incorporate activities and interventions that can enhance your professional learning.
3. Develop some more comprehensive professional development opportunities which are ongoing and aligned with the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST).
4. Enhance current practice and significantly contribute to the teaching learning process.

Curriculum Information

Professional Development
Teachers, School Heads, Supervisors, Superintendents, Directors and Chiefs

Copyright Information

DepEd- Teacher Education Council, Philippine National RCTQ with support from the BEST Program
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