May Hiwaga sa Bente Pesos

Teacher's Guide, Lesson Plan  |  DOCX

Published on 2019 March 13th

Knowing the effects of saving money even if it’s a small amount.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Kindergarten, Grade 1
Kindergarten, Mathematics
cognitive and intellectual development Numbers and Number Sense Curriculum Guide E. Mathematics (M) : Logic (L) E. Mathematics (M) : Number and Number Sense (NNS)
Educators, Learners
Adds two onedigit numbers using appropriate mental techniques eg adding doubles andor neardoubles Adds mentally two to three one digit numbers with sums up to 18 using appropriate strategies Adds mentally twodigit numbers and onedigit numbers with regrouping using appropriate strategies Creates situations involving addition of whole numbers including money Counts groups of equal quantity using concrete objects up to 50 and writes an equivalent expression. e.g groups of 5

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Department of Education, BDO Foundation
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