Explains how different types of motivation affect sports performance and exercise participation;
Uses motivational strategies to encourage sports and exercise participation;
. recognizes the value of understanding motivation for the initiation, continuation, or resumption of sports and exercise participation;
Explains the importance of group structure, role clarity and acceptance for effective team functioning;
Discusses the effects of group cohesion in sports performance and exercise participation;
Recognizes the value of effective communication and group cohesion for sports performance and exercise participation;
Describes arousal, stress, and anxiety in sports and exercise settings;
Explains how arousal and anxiety affects sports performance and exercise participation;
Describes different strategies in regulating arousal, coping with stress and anxiety in sports and exercise;
Recognizes the value of regulating arousal, coping with stress and anxiety for better sports performance and exercise participation;
Describes symptoms of burnout, and over training in sports and exercise participants;
Explains the psychological impact of injuries in sports and exercise participants; and
Recognizes the value of regular sports and exercise participation for overall well-being