K to 12 Senior High School TVL Track Specialized Subject – Agricultural Crops Production Curriculum Guide

Curriculum Guide  |  PDF

Published on 2019 March 4th

Curriculum Guide of K to 12 Senior High School TVL Track Specialized Subject – Agri-Fishery Arts- Agricultural Crops Production (NC II) for Grade 11

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 11
Lo 1. recognize personal entrepreneurial
competencies and skills (pecs) needed in
agricultural crops production Lo 2. develop and strengthen personal
competencies and skills (pecs) needed in
agricultural crops production Lo 1. recognize and understand the market
in agricultural crops production Lo 2. recognize the potential customer/
market in agricultural crops production Lo 3. create new business ideas in
agricultural crops production by using
various techniques Lo 4. develop a product/service in
agricultural crops production Lo 5. select a business idea based on the
criteria and techniques set Lo 6. develop a brand for the product Lo 1. determine areas of concern for safety
measures Lo 2. apply appropriate safety measures Lo 3. safekeep/dispose of tools, materials,
and outfit Lo 1. select and use farm tools Lo 2. select and operate farm equipment Lo 3. perform preventive maintenance Lo 1. perform estimation Lo 2. perform basic workplace calculation Lo 1. collect farm waste Lo 2. identify and segregate wastes Lo 3. treat and process farm wastes Lo 4. perform housekeeping Lo 1. carry out inventory activities Lo2. maintain production record Lo 3. prepare financial records Lo 1. prepare nursery tools, farm
implements, and simple equipment Lo 2. maintain nursery facilities Lo 3. handle seeds/planting materials Lo 4. prepare growing media Lo 5. conduct propagation activities Lo 1. prepare land for planting Lo 2. conduct field lay-out Lo 4. perform direct seeding Lo 1. perform preharvest operations Lo 2. perform harvesting activity Lo 3. perform post-harvest operation Lo 4. monitor storage pest and diseases

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Department of Education
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