Identify the market problem to be solved or the market need to be met; and
Propose solution/s in terms of product/s and service/s that will meet the need using techniques on seeking, screening, and seizing opportunities:
Analyze the market need;
Determine the possible product/s or service/s that will meet the need;
Screen the proposed solution/s based on viability, profitability, and customer requirements; and
Select the best product or service that will meet the market need.
Select the best product or service that will meet the market need.
Implement the business plan;
Operate the business;
Sell the product/service to potential customers;
Identify the reasons for keeping business records;
Perform key bookkeeping tasks;
Interpret financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow projections, and summary of sales and cash receipts);
Prepare an income statement and a balance sheet;
Identify where there is a profit or loss for a business; and
Generate an overall report on the activity.