
Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson

Investigate how musical instruments make a range of notes. Relate the sounds made by panpipes to pipe length. Relate the sound made by a bongo drum to skin size and tension. Relate the sound made by a guitar to string thickness, length and tension. Answer questions about the parts of each instrument and their relationship to the sound produced. For example, if a guitar string is tightened, will it vibrate faster and produce a higher pitch? This learning object is a combination of three objects in a series of four objects.

Students explore how sounds are made by vibrating objects.
Students identify variables affecting the pitch of sounds made by musical instruments.
Students adjust variables to produce a musical note of a given pitch.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 6
Force and Motion Force Motion and Energy
Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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