MISOSA Module 13 : Ngalang Pantono ng mga Guhit at Puwang

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Published on 2014 August 11th

The is about pitch name
Recognizes the musical symbols and concepts pertaining to melody
Identify the pitch name of notes

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 4, Grade 6
Learners, Students
Identify the pitch name of each line and space of the g-clef staff Identify the pitch names of notes on the ledger lines and spaces below the gclef staff middle c and d Recognize the meaning and use of g clef Identify the movement of the melody as no movement ascending stepwise descending stepwise ascending skip wise and descending skip wise Identifies the highest and lowest pitch in a given notation of a musical piece to determine its range Sing with accurate pitch the simple intervals of a melody Perform hisher own created melody Demonstrate the ability to sing read and write musical notations Analyze the melodic patterns of songs in c major g major and f major keys Sing and play solo or with group melodiessongs in c major g major and f major Create simple melodies in c major g major and f major scales Sing selfcomposed melodies in c major g major and f major keys

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Department of Education
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7 p.