1. English ,Grade 5, Quarter 3 - Module 1: Distinguishing Text Types According to Purpose and Features.
2. English ,Grade 5, Quarter 3 - Module 2: Summarizing Information From Various Text Types.
3. English ,Grade 5, Quarter 3 - Module 3: Making A Stand.
4. English ,Grade 5, Quarter 3 - Module 4: Providing Evidence to Support Opinion/Fact.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 5
Learning Area
Reading Comprehension
Intended Users
Educators, Learners
Analyze a 2-stanza poem in terms of its elements (rhymes, sound devices, imagery and figurative language)
Identify main idea, key sentences and supporting details of a given paragraph
Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to classify or describe
Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to classify or describe
Distinguish text-types according to purpose -to explain