Self-Learning Modules - Quarter 3 - English: Grade 4, Modules 1 to 7

Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 August 25th

Contents: 1. English ,Grade 4, Quarter 3 - Module 1: The How, Where, and When of Things (Use of Adverbs of Manner, Place, and Time in Sentences). 2. English ,Grade 4, Quarter 3 - Module 2: Clear Directions (Write Directions Using Signal Words). 3. English ,Grade 4, Quarter 3 - Module 3: Dsitinguish Between General and Specific Statements. 4. English ,Grade 4, Quarter 3 - Module 4: Identifying the Main Idea, Key Sentence, and Supporting Details from Text Listened to. 5. English ,Grade 4, Quarter 3 - Module 5: Keeping Ideas Organized (Use Appropriate Graphic Organizers in Text Read). 6. English ,Grade 4, Quarter 3 - Module 6: Feelings and Reasons (Infer Speaker's Tone, Mood and Purpose). 7. English ,Grade 4, Quarter 3 - Module 7: Story Elements (Analyze a Story in Terms of Its Elements).

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 4
Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Grammar
Educators, Learners
Identify the important story elements such as setting, character, and plot
en4f Infer feelings and traits of characters in a story read Infer feelings and traits of characters based on the story read Identify the theme of the literary text read Use appropriate graphic organizers to show the sequence of events in a text read (story) Identify and use adverbs of place in sentences

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