This module is designed to equip you, learners, with essential knowledge, skills,
and attitude in maintaining fitness through folk dancing and this module is designed so
you can pace yourself as you use them to achieve the prescribed learning competencies.
It also aims to improve, enhance your fitness, and engage you on physical activities like
dancing your own folk dances.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Discuss the arms and feet fundamental positions and some basic dance steps in
folk dancing.
2. Apply the arms and feet fundamental positions or movement and some of the
basic dance steps in dancing folk dances within your locality.
3. Appreciate the benefits that we get from dancing folk dances.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 6
Learning Area
Physical Education
Folk Indigenous Ethnic Traditional and Creative Dances
Intended Users
Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based on the phillipine physical activity pyramid