Self-Learning Modules - Quarter 4 Physical Education: Grade 7, Modules 1-3

Modules, Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 August 30th

Contents: Physical Education 7: Quarter 4- Module 1: Physical Fitness Assessment Through Festival Dance. 2. Physical Education 7: Quarter 4- Module 2: Different Festival Dances in the Philippines. 3. Physical Education 7: Quarter 4- Module 3: Fundamental Skills in Festival Dance.
1. Undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments.
2. Review goals on assessments results.
3. Describe the nature and background of the festival dance.
4. Execute the skills involved in the dance.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7
Physical Education
Folk Indigenous Ethnic Traditional and Festival Dance
Educators, Learners
Describes the nature and background of the dance Monitors periodically ones progress towards the fitness goals Reviews goals based on assessment results Describes the nature and background of the dance

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Department of Education
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