Ang bata nga dili mamahaw

Storybooks  |  PDF

Published on 2019 October 14th

This story book is a supplementary material that can be utilized for Grade I and 2 pupils intended to support the pupil’s literacy development. For Grade I Health- it will help develop values on eating regular meals without skipping breakfast. For Grade1& 2 MTB- it will help develop oral language to name and describe people, places, and concrete objects and communicate personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings in different context. You are encouraged to use the story book not only for what is intended but also to develop other competencies that best suit this story.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 1, Grade 2
Educators, Learners
Distinguishes healthful from less healthful foods Tells the consequences of eating less healthful foods Practices good eating habits that can help one become healthy Practices good decision making skill in food choices

Copyright Information

Vivian C. Galve
Department of Education
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