K to 12 Elementary Subject - Health - Gr. 5

Teacher's Guide, Curriculum Guide  |  PDF

Curriculum Guide of K to 12 Elementary – Health Gr. 5

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 5
Curriculum Guide Personal Health Growth and Development Substance Use and Abuse Injury Safety and First Aid
Describes a mentally emotionally and socially healthy person Suggests ways to develop and maintain ones mental and emotional health Recognizes signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships Explains how healthy relationships can positively impact health Discusses ways of managing unhealthy relationships Describes some mental emotional and social health concerns Discusses the effects of mental emotional and social health concerns on ones health and well being Demonstrates skills in preventing or managing teasing bullying harassment or abuse Identifies appropriate resources and people who can help in dealing with mental emotional and social health concerns Describes the physical emotional and social changes during puberty Accepts changes as a normal part of growth and development Describes common misconceptions related on puberty Assesses the issues in terms of scientific basis and probable effects on health Describes the common health issues and concerns during puberty Accepts that most of these concerns are normal consequence of bodily changes during puberty but one can learn to manage them Demonstrates empathy for persons undergoing these concerns and problems Discusses the negative health impact and ways of preventing major issues such as early and unwanted pregnancy Demonstrates ways to manage pubertyrelated health issues and concerns Practices proper selfcare procedures Discusses the importance of seeking the advice of professionals trusted and reliable adults in managing pubertyrelated health issues and concerns Differentiates sex from gender Identifies factors that influence gender identity and gender roles Discusses how family media religion school and society in general reinforce gender roles Gives examples of how male and female gender roles are changing Explains the concept of gateway drugs Identifies products with caffeine Discusses the nature of caffeine nicotine and alcohol use and abuse Describes the general effects of the use and abuse of caffeine tobacco and alcohol Analyzes how the use and abuse of caffeine tobacco and alcohol can negatively impact the health of the individual the family and the community Demonstrates life skills in keeping healthy through the nonuse of gateway drugs Follows school policies and national laws related to the sale and use of tobacco and alcohol Explains the nature and objectives of first aid Discusses basic first aid principles Demonstrates appropriate first aid for common injuries or conditions

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Department Of Education
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