Number trains: numbers 30–50

Learning Material, Learning Guide, Learning Module  |  Interactive Lesson  |  RAR

Published on 2018 August 1st

Arrange train carriages according to numbers on their sides. The numbers are represented in a range of formats such as words, numerals, base-10 blocks or counting frames. Identify the numbers that come before and after starting numbers. Work with numbers in the range 30–50. This learning object is the third in a series of five objects that progressively increase in difficulty. The series is also packaged as a combined learning object.
1. Students sequence whole numbers from 30 to 50.
2. Students connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent (base-10 blocks).
3. Students recognize place value in two-digit numbers.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 1, Grade 2
Numbers and Number Sense
Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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