Character maker: visual attributes

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson

Build animated characters for a new cartoon show. Choose visual attributes to communicate information about your cartoon character’s personality to the audience. Choose shapes and items to suit a character's personality. Combine elements such as body shape, head size, clothing and accessories. For example, choose a relatively large, round head to suit a friendly character. Make all of the elements work together to give a clear message to the audience. This learning object is one in a series of four objects.

Students explore the development of an animation character using visual attributes to create meaning.
Students apply visual conventions to construct and shape meaning.
Students combine visual elements to suit a target audience.
Students explore how stereotypes are applied in children's television.
Students change a set of multimodal elements within a text to alter the meaning of the text as a whole.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 5, Grade 6
Oral Language Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Writing and Composition Viewing Comprehension Oral Reading Fluency Oral Language and Fluency
Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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