Rainforest: pack for your trip

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson

ESA, Education Services Australia, Get ready for a long trip to a rainforest. Choose the most suitable clothing from a sales catalogue. Match items from four categories: tops; bottoms; footwear; and other stuff. Make sure you choose clothing suited to the climate described in the rainforest brochure. As you go, look up the meaning of tricky words. This learning object is the second in a series of nine objects. Eight objects in the series are also packaged as a combined learning object.
1. Students identify inferential meanings implied in texts.
2. Students follow a sequence of instructions.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 5, Grade 6
Oral Language Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Development Writing and Composition Viewing Comprehension Oral Reading Fluency Oral Language and Fluency

Copyright Information

Education Services Australia
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