Save our bridge: arguments: assessment

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson  |  RAR

Published on 2014 April 29th

Test your understanding of the arguments concerning a community issue. Help a local council decide on a development proposal. Look at an old footbridge that may be replaced by a larger, modern bridge. Talk to people in the local community to find out their opinions. Restate the reasons given for and against the proposal for a new bridge. Reach a conclusion about what the community wants. Build a presentation including examples of community opinion. View and print a report of your results. This assessment object is one in a series of two objects.
Students explore the purpose, audience and context for a discussion text.
Students identify whether statements are for or against a proposal.
Students shape and edit written and visual elements to create a discussion text as a presentation.
Students produce a discussion text to present arguments for both sides of a social issue.
Students know and use visual grammar (including salient elements of images) to attract the attention of an audience.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
Oral Language Reading Comprehension Viewing Comprehension Oral Language and Fluency
Educators, Learners
Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue Make a stand Respond to ideas and opinions after reflection Make a stand Remind others to stay on topic

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Education Services Australia
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