EASE Integrated Science I Module 1: What is Science and Technology

Learning Material, Learning Module  |  DOC

Published on 2019 December 13th

This module discusses the importance of science and technology and its impact on our daily lives.
1. give the operational definitions of science, technology, matter and its examples.
2. discuss the impact of science and technology in daily life.
3. analyze local superstitious beliefs, practices and their influences on how problems are solved in daily life.
4. appreciate the contributions and desirable traits of outstanding scientists, both foreign and local.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7
Matter Living Things and Their Environment Force Motion and Energy Earth and Space
Educators, Learners, Students
How does the sun-moon-earth system shape my beliefs; behavior; practices and way of life?

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Bureau of Secondary Education
Department of Education
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959.00 KB
24 p.