This is a learning resource designed for Grade 7 Science learners. It begins by reviewing coordinate systems and the location of the Philippines relative to landmasses and bodies of water. Subsequent activities delve into the distribution of metallic mineral deposits in the Philippines, correlating these with geological features like trenches, faults, and volcanoes. Students analyze maps, conduct research, and learn about coal formation. The activities integrate concepts of financial education and responsible resource use, culminating in a project that involves students researching careers related to environmental conservation and presenting a "Make-a-Difference Day" plan to their principal.
1. Identify the location of the Philippines using a coordinate system.
2. Describe the location of the Philippines relative to surrounding landmasses and bodies of water.
3. Locate metallic mineral deposits on a map of the Philippines.
4. Correlate the distribution of mineral deposits with geological features.
5. Explain the process of coal formation.
6. Discuss responsible and sustainable use of natural resources, particularly coal.
7. Research and present information on careers related to environmental conservation.
8. Develop and propose a plan for a "Make-a-Difference Day" focused on environmental conservation.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 7
Learning Area
Earth and Space
Intended Users
Educators, Learners
Recognize that soil water rocks coal and other fossil fuels are earth materials that people use as resources
Describe ways of using earths resources sustainably
Discuss how energy from the sun interacts with the layers of the atmosphere