Learning Exemplar Module 2: Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees

Lesson Exemplar, Modules  |  PDF

Published on 2025 January 27th

This Grade 6 Technology and Livelihood Education (Agriculture) module teaches students about propagating trees and fruit trees, with an emphasis on understanding market demands for fruits. Students will watch a farmer's success story, investigate the profitability of fruit tree farming, and take part in activities that emphasize the value of fruit-bearing trees for both domestic and foreign markets. Students will apply their knowledge to practical situations and acquire knowledge about establishing and managing a profitable fruit farm or orchard by creating a basic business plan.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Technology and Livelihood Education
Propagating trees and fruit trees
Educators, Learners
Conduct asurvey to identify types of orchard farms trees appropriate for orchard gardening based on location climate and market demands proper way of plantingpropagating trees and fruitbearing trees budding marcotting grafting sources of fruitbearing trees how to care for seedlings

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Department of Education
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