Learning Exemplar Module 1: Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees

Lesson Exemplar, Modules  |  PDF

Published on 2025 January 27th

This learning module for Grade 6 Technology and Livelihood Education (Agriculture) focuses on the propagation of trees and fruit trees. It covers the importance of planting trees and fruit-bearing trees, highlighting their benefits to both families and communities. Students will explore various activities such as identifying the benefits and products of trees, understanding the role of trees in environmental protection, and learning how trees can provide sources of income. Through hands-on activities and discussions, students will develop skills in propagating trees while applying their knowledge to real-life scenarios.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Technology and Livelihood Education
Propagating trees and fruit trees
Educators, Learners
Uses technology in the conduct of survey to find out the following elements to be observed in planting trees and fruitbearing trees market demands for fruits sources of fruitbearing trees famous orchard farms in the country

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Department of Education
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