UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY & POLITICS, MODULE 6 : Political Structures in the Philippines II

Teacher's Guide  |  PDF

Published on 2022 June 16th

This UCSP class module discusses different types of government systems. This module focuses on the pure government systems, namely the presidential and parliamentary systems. Presidential systems have branching offices that coexist with separate powers and function through a combination of independence and interdependence (checks and balances), while parliamentary systems have a fusion of executive and legislative branches. This module also explains how power is distributed based on each government branch, all the way to the local government units (LGUs).
● Identify the systems of government;
● Define their respective functions or governing system.
● Identify the three branches of the government;
● Differentiate the scope of duties of each branch;
● Explain the distribution of power in governments;
● Define the different systems of the distribution of power in governments;
● Define local governments; and
● Identify scope of duties of local governments.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 11, Grade 12
How society is organized
Traces kinship ties and social networks Traces kinship ties and social networks

Copyright Information

Developer Philippine Business for Education, Inc. Author: Maria Ela L. Atienza, PhD
Philippine Business for Education, Inc.
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