Self-Learning Module - Quarter 1 - MAPEH (Physical Education) : Grade 6, Modules 1 to 2

Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 May 26th

Contents: 1. MAPEH - Physical Education 6: Quarter 1 -Module 1: Target Games. 2. MAPEH - Physical Education 6: Quarter 1 -Module 2: Striking/Fielding Games.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Physical Education
Target StrikingFielding Games
Educators, Learners
Observes safety precautions Recognizes the value of participation in physical activities Identifies areas for impovement Describes the phillipine physical activity pyramid Explains the indicators for fitness Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based on the phillipine physical activity pyramid Describes the skills involved in the games Observes safety precautions Executes the different skills involved in the game Displays joy of effort respect for others and fair play during participation in physical activities Explains health and skill related fitness components

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Department of Education
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