Celebrating diversity through world literature. Module 3, Reconciling with nature: lesson 1

Learning Material, Learning Guide  |  PDF

This material is composed of a variety of texts and communicative and real-life based activities aimed to develop and improve learners' skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
• raise questions to clarify issues covered in the material viewed

• share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in the materials viewed

• appreciate the overall artistic value of the structure and elements of the
selection (structuralist/formalist)

• summarize important points discussed in the text listened to

• distinguish the important points from less important ones in text listened to

• evaluate the information contained in the material viewed in terms of accuracy
and effectiveness

• realize the feminine side of nature and appreciate its importance

• raise questions and seek clarifications on issues discussed in the text listened

• disclose the personal significance of a material viewed

• give expanded definitions of a word

• appreciate the relevance of the selection to the historical context during which
it was produced and to the reader

• react intelligently and creatively to the text listened to; focusing more on the
falsity or soundness of an argument presented therein

• express appreciation for songs, poems, and plays listened to

• evaluate the information contained in the material viewed in terms of accuracy
and effectiveness

• express the personal significance of the selection to the reader

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 10
Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Viewing Comprehension Vocabulary Development Literature Writing and Composition Oral Language and Fluency Grammar Awareness
Learners, Students

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Department of Education
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37 pages