605 SHS Learning Resources

ID Title Language Resource Type Actions
22306 State and Non-state Institution English Learning Material View Download
22304 The Executive Branch Art. VII English Learning Material View Download
22303 Roles and Responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives English Learning Material View Download
22253 Introduction to Life Science: Unifying Themes in the Study of Life English Learning Material View Download
22249 Health- Related Fitness Components English Learning Material View Download
22197 Effects of Consumption and Production Patterns to Climate Change English Modules View Download
22196 Understanding Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking English Modules View Download
22195 Effects of Globalization Collaboration and Cooperation English Modules View Download
22192 Roles of Parts of a Whole and Creative Imagination English Modules View Download
22177 Identifying Parts of a Whole and Cause and Consequences English Modules View Download
22161 Apply Finishing Touches for Ladies Blouse English Modules View Download
22159 Preparing and Cutting Materials for Ladies Blouse English Modules View Download
22157 Drafting And Cutting Pattern for Ladies Blouse English Modules View Download
22153 Planning Garment Design for Ladies Blouse English Modules View Download
22145 Assembling Garment Parts for Ladies Blouse English Modules View Download