Edit a movie: summer camp

Learning Material, Learning Guide, Learning Module  |  Interactive Lesson  |  RAR

Published on 2018 August 13th

Play the role of an assistant film editor at an international studio. Complete eight scenes in a film about three Chinese children at a summer camp, and their journey towards friendship. Choose takes which most closely match the dialogue through attending to a range of verbal and multimodal elements, such as expression, position, tone, stance and content. For example, choose a take showing an appropriate facial expression when a boy apologises to the camp director. Learn about cultural aspects of Chinese childhoods.
1. Students identify gaps and requirements in an incomplete visual text.
2. Students identify and learn about the role of multimodal elements in contributing to meaning in film texts.
3. Students make choices about and connections between key elements in multimodal texts.
4. Students identify the most appropriate visual choices to create consistency and support meaning.
5. Students understand the need for all elements of a multimodal text to support each other.
6. Students create a culturally accurate narrative using the soap opera genre.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 2, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 6
grammar Reading Comprehension Grammar Grammar Awareness
Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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