Subtractive colour

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson  |  RAR

Explore how the colors in white light can be split, absorbed and reflected. Shine a white light through colored filters and a glass prism. Investigate how filters absorb some colours and let others pass through. Use different combinations of filters to absorb primary colors, so they do not shine onto an object. For example, make a tomato look black by using a cyan filter to block red light from shining onto it. This learning object is a combination of two learning objects in the same series.

Students identify that white light is made up of colored light (the rainbow colors).
Students identify that colored filters selectively absorb colors.
Students identify that the three primary subtractive colors are magenta, cyan and yellow.
Students predict the result when subtractive colors are filtered onto colored objects.
Students explore the range of colors produced by combining different ratios of the three primary subtractive colors.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 8
Force Motion and Energy
Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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