This module will help you solve word problems including money.
The students will be able to:
1. Tell the number of days in a week, months in a year using the calendar
2. Indicate time to the hour/ half hour
3. Indicate time to the nearest 15 minutes of an hour like 1:15 , 1:30, 1:45
4. Read and write time as shown in the clock
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 1
Learning Area
Intended Users
Educators, Learners, Students
Tells the days in a week months in a year in the right order
Determines the day or the month using a calendar
Tells and writes time by hour halfhour and quarterhour using analog clock
Solves problems involving time days in a week months in a year hour halfhour and quarterhour
Compares objects using comparative words short shorter shortest long longer longest heavy heavier heaviest light lighter lightest
Estimates and measures length using non standard units of linear measures
Estimates and measures mass using nonstandard units of mass measure
Estimates and measures capacity using nonstandard unit