EASE : Pollution Free for Healthy Community

Learning Module  |  -  |  PDF

Published on 2014 August 14th

This Module will be one of those efforts that will explain to you the importance of having health examination, also the importance of solving environmental problems and the proper ways of garbage storage, disposal, and recycling.
Explained the importance of:
a. Health Examination
b. Solving environmental problems for a healthy community
Practiced the proper ways of garbage:
a. storage
b. disposal
c. recycling

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Personal health Consumer health
Learners, Students
Describes personal health issues and concerns Demonstrates selfmanagement skills Discusses health appraisal procedures during puberty Explains the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures Regularly undergoes health appraisal procedures Identifies community health resources and facilities that may be utilized to address a variety of personal health issues and concerns Avails of health services in the school and in the community Promotes the use of health resources and facilities in the school and in the community Explains the importance of consumer health Enumerates the components of consumer health Describes the different components of consumer health Differentiates overthecounter from prescription medicines Gives example of over the counter and prescription medicines Explains the uses of some over the counter and prescription medicines Identifies the common propaganda techniques used in advertising Identifies the common propaganda techniques used in advertising Analyzes packaging and labels of health products Practices good decision making skills in the selection of health products Discusses ways to protect oneself from fraudulent health products

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18 p.