Test your understanding of how the transformations of spinning and extruding can change some of the most basic 2D shapes (such as squares, triangles and circles) into various 3D shapes, such as cylinders, cones and different prisms. Visualise the effect of a particular transformation on a selected 2D shape. Predict whether the result will match a given 3D shape. View and print a report of your results. This assessment object is one in a series of two objects.
Students interpret the characteristics of 3D shapes.
Students visualise the result of different transformations for given 2D shapes.
Students match the characteristics of given 3D shapes with transformed 2D shapes.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 5, Grade 6
Learning Area
Intended Users
Visualizes names and describes polygons with 5 or more sides
Describes and compares properties of polygons regular and irregular polygons
Draws polygons with 5 or more sides
Visualizes congruent polygons
Visualizes and describes a circle
Identifies the terms related to a circle
Draws circles with different radii using a compass
Visualizes and describes solid figures
Makes models of different solid figures cube prism pyramid cylinder cone and sphere using plane figures
Measures time using a 12hour and a 24hour clock
Calculates time in the different world time zones in relation to the philippines
Solves problems involving time
Visualizes circumference of a circle
Measures circumference of a circle using appropriate tools
Derives a formula in finding the circumference of a circle
Finds the circumference of a circle
Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving circumference of a circle
Visualizes area of a circle
Derives a formula in finding the area of a circle
Finds the area of a given circle
Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving the area of a circle
Creates problems involving a circle with reasonable answers
Visualizes the volume of a cube and rectangular prism
Names the appropriate unit of measure used for measuring the volume of a cube and a rectangle prism
Derives the formula in finding the volume of a cube and a rectangular prism using cubic cm and cubic m
Converts cu cm to cu m and vice versa cucm to l and vice versa
Finds the volume of a given cube and rectangular prism using cu cm and cu m
Estimates and uses appropriate units of measure for volume
Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving volume of a cube and rectangular prism in reallife situations using appropriate strategies and tools
Creates problems with reasonable answers involving volume of a cube and rectangular prism in reallife situations
Reads and measures temperature using thermometer alcohol andor digital in degree celsius
Estimates the temperatureeg inside the classroom
Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving temperature in reallife situations
Visualizes and describes the different solid figures cube prism pyramid cylinder cone and sphere
Differentiates solid figures from plane figures
Illustrates the different solid figures using various concrete and pictorial models
Identifies the faces of a solid figure
Identifies the nets of the following space figures cube prism pyramid cylinder cone and sphere using plane figures
Calculates speed distance and time
Solves problems involving average rate and speed
Finds the area of composite figures formed by any two or more of the following triangle square rectangle circle and semicircle
Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving area of composite figures formed by any two or more of the following triangle square rectangle circle and semicircle
Visualizes and describes surface area and names the unit of measure used for measuring the surface area of solidspace figures
Derives a formula for finding the surface area of cubes prisms pyramids cylinders cones and spheres
Finds the surface area of cubes prisms pyramids cylinders cones and spheres
Solves word problems involving measurement of surface area
Determines the relationship of the volume between a rectangular prism and a pyramid a cylinder and a cone and a cylinder and sphere
Derives the formula for finding the volume of cylinders pyramids cones and spheres
Finds the volume of cylinders pyramids cones and spheres
Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving volumes of solids
Creates problems involving surface area and volume of solidspace figures with reasonable answers
Reads and interprets electric and water meter readings
Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving electric and water consumption
Creates problems involving electric and water consumption with reasonable answers
Copyright Information
Copyright Owner
Education Services Australia
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Software/Plug-in Requirements
Adobe Flash Player - http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/