Learning Exemplar Module 8: Analyzing information using ICT

Lesson Exemplar, Modules  |  PDF

This module on Analyzing Information Using ICT focuses on Grade 6 students learning to perform advanced calculations using an electronic spreadsheet tool. Students will learn how to use formulae and functions, organize and analyze numerical data, and comprehend the significance of money management through a variety of exercises. Important topics covered in the module include making spreadsheets, calculating, and analyzing data. The importance of saving and financial planning will be reinforced by the students' practical understanding of how to compute expenses, sales, and profits using spreadsheet programs like Excel by the end of the module.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Technology and Livelihood Education
ICT and Entrepreneurship
Educators, Learners
Uses functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool to perform advanced calculations on numerical data

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Department of Education
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