Learning Exemplar Module 3 - Math 3 - Statistics and Probability: Collecting and Interpreting Data

Lesson Exemplar, Modules  |  PDF

Published on 2025 February 5th

This learning resource introduces Grade 3 learners to basic statistical concepts. It covers collecting data on one variable, organizing data into tables and bar graphs (both vertical and horizontal), interpreting bar graphs, and solving routine and non-routine problems based on the presented data. It also incorporates financial literacy concepts like saving money. Students will create and answer questions about data.
1. Students will be able to collect data on a single variable.
2. Students will be able to organize and present data in tables and bar graphs.
3. Students will be able to interpret data presented in bar graphs.
4. Students will be able to solve routine and non-routine problems using data from bar graphs.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 3
Statistics and Probability
Educators, Learners
Collects data on one variable using existing records Solves routine and nonroutine problems using data presented in a singlebar graph

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Department of Education- Central Office
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