his learning resource aims to develop students' skills in dividing whole numbers, including those involving money. The module begins with basic division drills, advances to problem-solving involving money, and touches on concepts of budgeting and financial literacy. Through various activities, such as solving routine and non-routine problems, students will improve their mathematical proficiency and also start developing financial awareness.
1. Students will be able to divide numbers up to 100 by 6, 7, 8, and 9.
2. Students will be able to divide 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit numbers with and without a remainder.
3. Students will be able to solve routine and non-routine problems involving division of whole numbers.
4. Students will be able to solve word problems involving division with money.
5. Students will be able to develop basic budgeting skills.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 3
Learning Area
Numbers and Number Sense
Intended Users
Educators, Learners
Visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by 678and 9 multiplication table of 6 7 8 and 9
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving divisions of 2- to 4- digit numbers by 1-to 2- digit numbers without or with any of the other operations of whole numbers including money usiong appropriate probleme solving strategies and tools.