Learning Exemplar Module - Science Grade 8 - Understanding Earthquakes: Faults, Tsunamis, and Preparedness

Lesson Exemplar, Modules  |  PDF

Published on 2025 February 4th

This learning resource is designed for Grade 8 students to enhance their understanding of earthquakes. It begins with a KWL chart to assess prior knowledge, and progresses through hands-on activities demonstrating fault formation and the relationship between fault movement and earthquakes. Students build models to visualize fault types, explore the generation of tsunamis, and differentiate between earthquake intensity and magnitude. The activities emphasize earthquake preparedness, including creating an emergency plan and kit. Financial education concepts are interwoven, promoting responsible saving and planning for emergencies. The final activity involves writing a reaction paper to a video on earthquake preparedness in the Philippines.
1. Familiarize with key vocabulary related to volcanic eruptions.
2. Identify the different types of volcanoes and their characteristics.
3. Evaluate the harmful and beneficial effects of volcanic eruptions.
4. Determine appropriate actions before and after a volcanic eruption.
5. Design a family communication plan and assemble a disaster supply kit.
6. Pedagogical Approach: Inquiry-Based, Active Learning, Practical Application

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 8
Earth and Space
Educators, Learners
Differentiate the epicenter of an earthquake from its focus intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude and active and inactive faults Demonstrate how underwater earthquakes generate tsunamis

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Department of Education- Central Office
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