
Storybooks  |  PDF

Published on 2025 February 20th

This supplementary learning resource is intended for the learners and teachers. The story is about a young boy named Kayog, who is admired for his hardworking and loving personality in his community in Brgy. Sicaba, City of Cadiz. He looks up to his father, Tiyo Kaloy, a fisherman, and dreams of becoming a fisherman himself. One day, when his father falls ill, Kayog decides to go fishing alone to help his family. Despite a change in weather, he persists in his goal. Unfortunately, a storm capsizes his boat, and he disappears. His family and community mourn his loss, remembering him as kind, generous, and selfless. In honor of Kayog, a fisherman later discovers black shells where his boat capsized, and the community names them "Kayog," symbolizing his enduring legacy. The story celebrates Kayog's spirit of kindness, generosity, and love, leaving a lasting impact on his village.
Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa napakinggan at nabasang kwento
Naitatala ang mga impormasyon mula sa binasang teksto.
Napasunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa tekstong napakinggan sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng una, pangalawa, sumonod at panghuli.
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggan/nabasang kwento, pabula at tekstong pang-impormasyon, at usapan.
Napagsunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kwento sa tulong ng nakalarawang balangkas at pamatnubay na tanong.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
Pagbasa Pagbasa: Pagunawa sa Binasa
Educators, Learners
Nababasa ang usapan, tula, talata, kuwento nang may tamang bilis, diin, tono, antala at ekspresyon Naasagot ang
mga tanong
tungkol sa
binasang tekstong
- balita Nagagamit ang
nakalarawang balangkas
upang maipakita ang
nakalap na

Copyright Information

DEBSTER BACOMO (debster) - Cadiz West I ES, Cadiz City, NEGROS ISLAND REGION (NIR)
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