Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Kinaray-a) Kuwarter 4 - Modyul 5 Pagtugro kang Synonyms sa Tinaga nga Nagalaragway

Modules, Self Learning Module  |  PDF

Published on 2023 February 5th

This learning resource is intended for Grade 1 learners with Kinaray-a Mother Tongue. The topics are to give the synonyms and antonyms of describing words and identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when applicable) and words with multiple meanings correctly.
Pagkatapos ka mga Orubrahun sa modyul nga dya
masarangan mo run nga:
 Matugro ang synonyms kang tinaga nga
 Makabuul ka mga impormasyon sa nanari-sari nga ginhalinan. (laragway ukon illustration)
Give the synonyms and antonyms of describing words and identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when applicable) and words with multiple meanings correctly.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 1
Mother Tongue
Vocabulary and Concept Development
Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when applicable) and words with multiple meanings correctly.

Copyright Information

Vanessa C. Catague
Vanessa C. Catague
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