Self-Learning Modules - Quarter 3 Mathematics: Grade 8, Modules 1-8

Modules, Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 August 15th

Contents: 1. Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 1: Describing Mathematical System. 2. Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 2: Illustrating Axiomatic Structures of a Mathematical System. 3. Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 3: Illustrating Triangle Congruence. 4. Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 4: Illustrating the SAS, ASA and SSS Congruence Postulates. 5.Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 5: Solving Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles. 6.Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 6: Proving Two Triangles are Congruent. 7. Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 7: Proving Statements on Triangle Congruence. 8. Mathematics 8: Quarter 3- Module 8:Construct Perpendicular Lines and Angle Bisectors.
1. Describe mathematical system and its components.
2. Determine axioms for real numbers.
3. Prove statements about real numbers using two – column form.
4. Apply mathematical system in real – life setting.
5. Define axiomatic system.
6. Determine the importance of an axiomatic system in geometry.
7. Illustrate the undefined terms.
8. Cite definitions, postulates, and theorems involving points, lines and planes.
9. Define triangle congruence.
10. Draw and label the corresponding parts of two congruent triangles.
11. Identify corresponding parts of two congruent triangles.
12. Relate triangle congruence in real-life.
13. Identify included side and included angle.
14. Determine the minimum requirements needed for congruent triangles.
15. Illustrate the Side-Angle-Side (SAS), Angle-Side-Angle (ASA), and Side-SideSide (SSS) congruence postulates.
16. Demonstrate creativity in testing triangle congruence using concrete objects.
17. Identify corresponding parts of congruent triangles.
18. Name congruent triangles.
19. Find the measure of corresponding parts of congruent triangles.
20. Relate triangle congruence to real life situations.
21. Identify conditions for triangle congruence.
22. Use triangle congruence postulates and theorems to prove that two triangles are congruent.
23. Use two-column proof in proving that two triangles are congruent.
24. Recognize real-life applications of congruent triangles.
25. Identify statements on triangle congruence.
26. Apply the postulates and theorems on triangle congruence to prove statements involving (a) multiple angles, (b) isosceles triangle, (c) overlapping triangles.
27. Relate the importance of proving statements on triangle congruence in real life situations.
28. Use triangle congruence to construct perpendicular lines and angle bisector.
29. Relate perpendicular lines and angle bisectors in real life setting.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 8
Educators, Learners
Illustrates the sas asa and sss congruence postulates Solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles

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