1. Practical Research 1 Quarter 1- Modules 1: Nature of Inquiry and Research.
2. Practical Research 1 Quarter 1- Modules 2: Qualitative Research and Its Importance in Daily Life.
3. Practical Research 1 Quarter 1- Modules 3: Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem Related to Daily Life.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 11, Grade 12
Learning Area
Nature of Inquiry and Research
Qualitative Research and Its Importance in Daily Life
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
Intended Users
Educators, Learners
Shares research experiences and knowledge
Explains the importance of research in daily life
Describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
Provide examples of research in areas of interest (arts, humanities, sports, science, business, agriculture and fisheries, information and communication technology, and social inquiry)
Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative research
Illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields