Self Learning Module - Quarter 1 - Science: Grade 5, Module 1-3

Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 May 26th

Contents: 1. Science 5: Quarter 1 -Module 1: Useful and Harmful Materials. 2. Science 5: Quarter 1 -Module 2:Changes in Materials due to Heat and Oxygen. 3. Science 5: Quarter 1 -Module 3: Waste Management.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 5
Matter Living Things and Their Environment Force and Motion Earth and Space
Educators, Learners
Investigate changes that happen in materials under the following conditionspresence or lack of oxygen and application of heat Design a product out of local recyclable solid and or liquid materials in making useful products Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful

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Department of Education
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