Handicraft - Leathercraft and Woodcraft (Curriculum Guide)

Curriculum Guide  |  PDF

Published on 2022 January 11th

Curriculum Guide of K to 12 Senior High School TVL Track Specialized Subject – HANDICRAFT (Leathercraft and Woodcraft) for Grade 11

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 11
PREPARATION OF TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR LEATHERCRAFT AND WOODCRAFT (PT) The learner demonstrates an understanding of core concepts and theories in leathercraft and woodcraft. PERFORM LEATHERCRAFT PRODUCTION (PL) PERFORM WOODCRAFT PRODUCTION (PW)
Lo 1. trace history and development
of leathercraft and woodcraft Lo 2. enumerate different kinds of
leathercraft and woodcraft
projects/products Lo 3. select materials, tools and
equipment in leathercraft and
woodcraft making Lo 4. use basic tools in leathercraft
and woodcraft Lo 5. follow methods and procedures
in leathercraft and woodcraft Lo 6. describe quality leathercraft and
woodcraft projects and products of Lo 1. produce quality leathercraft and
woodcraft projects/ products Lo 2. compute for the cost of
production and selling price of
projects/products Lo 3. formulate criteria for evaluating
leathercraft and woodcraft
projects/products Lo 1. plan a design and pattern for a
leathercraft product Lo 2. get the measurement of the
pattern of the project/product
to be made Lo 3. produce leathercraft products Lo 4. package the finished craft Lo 5. evaluate finished product
(use rubrics) Lo 1. produce woodcraft products Lo 2. apply finishing touches Lo 3. package the finished craft Lo 4. evaluate finished product
(use rubrics)

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Department of Education
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