Ang Aming mga Gawain

Learning Material  |  PDF

Published on 2018 April 19th

This learner’s material reinforces learning on the roles one assume in his/her family and in the community. It also helps learners improve reading, writing, and numeracy skills.
At the end of the module, the learner is able to:
1. identify one’s role in his/her family, fellowmen, community;
2. read three to five syllable words;
3. read and write simple sentences about the topics discussed; and
4. solve mathematical problems involving addition and subtraction.

Curriculum Information

Alternative Learning System
Basic Literacy
Educators, Learners
Explain the roles/duties performed by each
member to benefit the family e.g., household
chores, marketing, etc. Cite traits, values and traditions common to
filipinos Identify the different religious beliefs or faiths
in the community and nation

Copyright Information

Department of Education - Central Office
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13.91 MB